Our Family

Fabris Family Beef Ranch

Tommy has been involved in agriculture his entire life. He’s an Oklahoma native, previous dairy farmer turned rancher. He’s an engineer at heart, a problem solver, and can fix anything. Most recently, he designed a new product, which we call the Stock Step, a concrete-pad system for around cattle water tanks.

Briana, on the other hand, was never near a cow in her life prior to Tom. She’s a Minnesota girl, graduate of the University of Minnesota, Veteran of the US Air Force National Guard, and always dreamt of living on a ranch. She is proof that anything is possible through God’s goodness.

Together, we have a passel of ranch kids that love to help and be a part of everything. God has blessed us with this opportunity to live and work together as a team, and raise our family and critters in the wide open spaces.

After many years in the making, we are so grateful to be at the point where we can offer our ranch-raised beef to America.

Thank you so much for stopping by. We are honored that you are here!

Fox Family Bison Ranch

We are Ben and Michelle Fox. We have 4 children and ranch in the Northwest corner of South Dakota.  We have been involved with the bison industry for 18 years.  We have a cow/calf operation and have recently expanded to offer bison meat. Our bison are born and raised on our ranch in their natural environment, and finished here as well. They are a hardy, tough, and fascinating animal, and we utilize all-natural practices to the greatest extent possible in raising them, while stewarding the improvement of the pasture grasses and soil through rotational grazing.

We currently offer grain-finished bison. But in the near future, we are planning to offer grass-finished bison as well. 

In cooking bison meat, here are a few suggestions! Bison is a leaner meat so be careful not to the overcook ground bison and steaks! We like to marinade the steaks for a few days in the fridge with our favorite seasonings (especially when cooking grassfed steaks). We like coconut amino, pepper and garlic powder. The roasts fall apart if slow cooked for 24hrs in a crock-pot.

We feel privileged and honored to be able to sell under Cowboy Prime Meat Company.  Tom and Briana are our neighbors and good friends.